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Bone the duck, starting with the back, and leave all the meat attached to the skin. Take out only the carcass and the bones, discard the pope╒s nose. Take out the liver and add it to the chicken livers. Salt, pepper, moisten with the brandy and the vermouth, chill. Use the carcass, bones and court-bouillon to make a broth, cooked over a low heat for 1 1/2 hours. Sieve, cool, skim the fat off. Chop the stuffing ingredients thinly. Salt, pepper, add a pinch of nutmeg and the herbs. Drain the livers, add their juice. Lay the duck skin, salt, pepper. Put half of the stuffing in the center of the skin. Roll the livers in a caul, make a sausage which is the same length as the duck. Cover with the remaining stuffing, sew up the skin, the tips of the wings and the legs, and all the open parts. Roll very firmly in the second caul then in the muslin which has been rinsed with vinegar-water. Tie up with a thread. Put the stuffed duck into a casserole, moisten with the cold broth and the glass of vermouth, bring to a boil. Bake in a hot oven (350F), after having inserted aluminum foil under the lid. Cook over a low heat for 3 hours, then allow to cool in its juices. Take out the duck. Skim the fat off the juice, reduce to 3 1/4 cups. Add the gelatine softened in cold water, heat to melt. Allow to cool and thicken a little. Brush the wiped duck with this aspic, decorate.
1 duck weighing 3 1/3 lbs to 4 lbs
1 cube court-bouillon
1 large glass vermouth
1 muslin to wrap the duck
4 gelatine sheets
2/3 lb chicken livers
5 tbsp brandy
2 pieces caul
5 tbsp dry vermouth, white or red
9 lbs sausage meat
1/3 lb fresh bacon
1/3 lb smoked raw ham
1 egg
salt, pepper, nutmeg, thyme, bay leaves, sage (4 leaves